Docker remove all container, images, volumes, network
Docker remove all container, images, volumes, networking
The docker system prune command will remove all stopped containers, all dangling images, and all unused networks:
docker system pruneIf you also want to remove all unused volumes, pass the --volumes flag:
docker system prune --volumesDocker remove all container
List all container in docker:
docker container ls -a
Remove all container in docker
docker rm <container_id1> <container_id2>
OR work on Linux, Mac, on Windows use must use ConEmu
Stop all container and remove all containerdocker stop $(docker container ls -a -q)
docker rm $(docker container ls -a -q)
Docker remove all container stopped
docker container prune
For example to remove all images that are created more than 12 hours ago, run:
docker container prune --filter "until=12h"
Docker remove all images
Docker list all images
docker images -a
Docker remove images don't link with container, another images
docker rmi <iamge_id1> <image_id2>
Or use in Linux, Mac
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
Remove all unused images
docker image prune
Remove all images not link with container, another container
docker image prune -a
For example to remove all images that are created more than 12 hours ago, run:
docker image prune -a --filter "until=12h"Docker remove all volumes
List once volumes in docker
docker volume ls
Docker remove volumes
docker volume rm <local>
Remove all unused volume
docker volume pruneDocker remove all network
Docker remove once network
List all network in docker
docker network ls
Remove network
docker network rm <network_id>
Docker remove all unused network
docker network prune
Docker remove network with filter
docker network prune -a --filter "until=12h"
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